Forum Overview
With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act by the 117th Congress and Biden administration, states will soon have the opportunity to invest nearly $9 billion to support residential energy efficiency and electrification upgrades. This forum will provide the latest updates on these rebate programs, and will outline how TVA’s local power companies and quality contractor network members can partner with TVA to bring this once-in-a-generation funding to Tennessee Valley residents – particularly those with incomes below 80 percent of area median income.
Hear from federal agency officials, state energy offices, and other stakeholders who will have a key voice in how these programs move from the law into our homes – making lives better for the people of the Tennessee Valley.
Check back often for new information and details as they develop!
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Opening Reception
Hop on the new trolley to attend the Opening Reception Wednesday, February 1, 5:30-7:30 pm at the National Corvette Museum.
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